Melting Boundaries between Humanities and Sciences
A Must Attend International Conference in Hyderabad
Experience a vibrant knowledge sharing platform at the First International Conference-Impending Inquisitions in Humanities and Sciences (ICIIHS), organized by the School of Humanities and Sciences, KL Deemed to be University, Hyderabad Campus from 28th to 30th November 2022. As the quality of education has increased tremendously over the last decade, this new-age multidisciplinary education conference seeks to melt physical boundaries between Sciences and Humanities by bringing together the scholars through hybrid modes – offline and online.
Why join the ICIIHS conference?
The premier International conference of this year – ICIIHS-2022, will provide a global platform to identify innovative approaches and to put together a scholarly communication infrastructure for blended knowledge production and learning future. At the same time, the model offer participants to access a social space in the elite community where they can keep connected and build a strong network to upgrade their knowledge base.
Who should attend this International Conference?
The conference invites scholars, faculty members, and graduate and post-graduate students in Sciences and Humanities to engage and exchange insights related to current scenarios, trends, opportunities, and challenges of the industry and innovations.
About the Department of H&S
The Department of Humanities and Sciences (H&S) is one of the indispensable and multidisciplinary departments of the KL Deemed to be University, with a conglomeration of departments like English & Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, and Fine arts. A diverse student populace is served by the department, which aims at their intellectual, social, and professional growth. For more details about the ICIIHS conference, visit www.klh.edu.in