Students Innovate Centrifugal Thread Cycle that Generates Power and Water 
The journey of our epics projects started with a tour of the Nallamala forest when I and my friends went on a trip to the forest after the completion of our semester. When we reached the forest there we have done tracking and some fun activities with our friends under the guidance of a guide. He has shown us all kinds of herbs and shrubs and said the importance of that. Later in the evening, I told my friends that we should leave early but they refused, and the guide said that nearby only our village is there where we can stay for the night.
The Guide accommodated a small hut for us, and there were no taps there are only drums in the washroom but we managed somehow. After a while guide came with the food and I started the conversation with him and asked about why there are no taps and why are they storing water in drums, he explained that water is available but there is no electricity and we are illiterates that’s why we won’t use the motor, our women daily bring the water from the ponds after walking for few kilometers and after hearing it I got a bit surprised and there were no lights and they were using lamps only.
After that, all my friends slept but I didn’t sleep that night & started thinking about how hard these villagers are suffering. Then I decided to innovate something for this village. I decided to work on the centrifugal cycle as they use the cycle as means of transport. The cycle can be used as a centrifugal pump where they can pump the water from the well to the tank. In the morning the guide came to wake us up and he dropped us at our destination. I felt sad about their condition as they are illiterate and they are financially weak. On the way back home I was busy thinking about the idea. Next week when college started in one of our classes our professor gave information about the EPICS in IEEE and gave good knowledge about it then I got clarity on my project.
I started my project quickly mean while I was lacking some skills regarding the project. I was simultaneously studying and going on building my project and my friends and KL University faculty supported me a lot. They have also played a crucial role because they not only funded my project but they have given me the courage to work on the project. At last, we prepared the prototype with a huge effort and went to Nallamala forest to the village we gifted this prototype and I installed the total mechanism near the wells. Now the time and energy will be saved drastically and the villagers were so happy because their hours of work have been reduced to minutes. Later I thought of upgrading it then I got an idea of a tread mill cycle mechanism after that I designed a centrifugal thread cycle that generates power as well as pumps the water automatically. To take this project to the next level we started collaborating with an international body (IEEE) in this way my trip to Nallamala is going on.
Team members: Matta Shashank, K Ganesh Reddy, G Yashwanth Reddy, K Sai Dinakar, and B Harika are students in second-year Computer Science Engineering at KL Deemed to be University.